Alissa & Rocco's Maternity Session | Utica, NY
I first met Alissa and Rocco when they hired me to photograph their wedding in October of 2017. I knew from the start they would be a...

Tracy & Bob's Maternity Session
#maternitysession #uticamaternityphotographer #uticaportraitphotographer #portrait #UticaTrainStation

Ashley & Kevin's Engagement Session at Utica Train Station & Juliano Farms
#engagementsession #engagementphotographer #uticatrainstation #cny #uticany #centralnewyork #uticanyweddingphotographer

India & Pat's couple's session at the Utica Train Station
#couplessession #uticatrainstation #uticanyphotogrpher #uticanyportraitphotographer

Kevin and Courtney's Engagement Session
When Kevin and Courtney asked me if they could have their children included in their engagement session, my response was "Absolutely!"......

Pietra's Baby Shower
I love being able to watch and capture families grow! I had the privilege of photographing Pietra's beautiful bridal shower last year at...

Meghan & John Maternity Session
I was so honored to have the opportunity to capture these special moments between Meghan and John as they prepare to be new parents. We...

Styled Prom Model Shoot
I had a blast doing a styled prom shoot with my senior models Caira and Meagan! We started out with hair and makeup at my home studio. ...