Why should I be your wedding photographer? Because I know what you're going through, I'm a bride to be just like you. All the excitement, the joy, the stress, the headache, getting asked a million times "So, when's your date?" by relatives, going over your budget again and again, finding your dream dress; I know exactly what you're feeling right now, I'm in the very same boat!
My fiance and I got engaged on May 1st, 2016. We went to NYC on this day for a Pearl Jam concert (my fiance's all time favorite band) at Madison Square Garden. When we arrived at The Garden, we had to go through metal detectors. Jeremy (my fiance) went through before me and when I looked up to see where he went, he was gone! I finally found him off to the side talking to a couple. I went over to him and he said these people were going to take a picture of us right here in lobby. I went to put my arm around him for the picture and suddenly he was down on one knee. My first thought was, "Oh he's tying his shoe." Then, I looked down and saw him holding a little blue box up at me. The whole room started spinning and time stood still. I was in complete shock! I kept repeating , "WHAT ARE YOU DOING??" Once I was finally able to wrap my head around what was going on, I said yes of course! I can usually read Jeremy like a book, but this was the first time that he totally caught me off guard. This was absolutely the happiest moment of my life and I can't wait to spend forever with my best friend!

Since then, we've been enjoying our time as an engaged couple. I'm pretty sure we called each other "Fiance" about 8394852 times in the week following our engagement. That word hasn't gotten old to me yet and I know calling him my husband will be even sweeter. We started wedding planning about a month later. Pinterest turned into my best friend (as if it wasn't already ;P) and we looked at venue after venue. We just couldn't seem to find the place that felt right and also fit into our budget. Finally, after many agonizing months of searching, we found THE PLACE! We decided to go with The Cannery, a new wedding venue opening up in Vernon, NY. It's an old canning factory that they're converting into an industrial wedding venue with rustic barn elements. This is exactly what we were looking for and for the first time in our long search for a venue, everything felt right about it. We opted for a long engagement to have more time to save and plan. I'm counting down the days! :)

Now you've heard my story, let's hear yours! I'd love to get to know you and hear about how you met your fiance and how you get engaged (love stories never get old to me)! Feel free to comment below or send me an email :)