It's not often that I share photos from when I was first starting out as a photographer (because I'm so embarrassed by them!) but I thought it would be a fitting time, considering all of the exciting things happening in my life right now. So here goes...
It all started about 6 years ago. My mom wanted some nice photos of me to use on my high school graduation invitations. So, I got all dolled up and posed for her all around my yard. I uploaded the photos that my mom took to my computer and starting playing around with them with a free photo editing program that I had. When I was finished with them, I thought they looked really awesome (I must've been blind!) and uploaded them to Facebook to show off to my friends. I received a lot of likes and comments on them and thought, "Wow, I'm pretty good at this! I should do this for a living!" That very same day, I changed my major for college from graphic design to photography.

This is the one I chose for my graduation invitations. Isn't the color just beautiful?

This daffodil is just so funny, I can't contain myself.

This is totally professional, can't you tell? LOL

Just inconspicuously hanging out by this tree... nbd.

I may or may not have been suffering from jaundice. LOL
Over the past six years I've worked my butt off and met some really awesome people along the way. I feel blessed to be where I am right now and to see how much progress I've made since those first horrid portraits of myself that I thought were so fabulous. I know I still have a long way to go and I am learning along the way. I'm currently taking an online lighting course and am excited to refine my studio lighting skills, because they will come in handy in my NEW STUDIO. Yes, I finally have a studio space to call my own. This dream of mine is finally coming true and I could not be more excited. The last thing we have to do is paint and then I will be ready to shoot in my new space. I'm looking forward to all of the wonderful people I will be able to meet and photograph in my studio. I'm now booking high school seniors. Most of all, I'm excited to see myself grow and progress as a photographer! I will never stop learning and never stop trying to better myself! #transformationtuesday

Xoxo -Rebecca
Want to book a shoot in the new studio? Contact me for pricing and availability!