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4 Myths About Boudoir Photography

Have you been wanting to do a boudoir session for a long time but you're on the fence about it? Or maybe, you've never even heard of a boudoir session before. Well let's talk about it; What they are, what they entail and why every woman should do one at least once in their life.

What is a boudoir session?

"Boudoir" is a french word meaning a lady's private dressing room or bedroom. A boudoir session refers to a style of photography in which women pose partially clothed or in lingerie. The photos are tasteful, sexy, classy and elegant. Boudoir sessions are becoming a popular gift for Brides to give to their groom as a wedding present.

There are a lot of misconceptions and skewed beliefs around boudoir photography and I'm about to debunk them right now!

Myth #1- I'm not confident enough to do a boudoir session.

Maybe you're not feeling confident at the moment or you've never fully felt confident in yourself when you look in the mirror. Well guess what; that's all the more reason to do a boudoir session! Doing a boudoir session is an act of self-love that will make you feel empowered and confident... and I'm all about self-love these days. It's important to treat yourself every once in awhile- whether it be a bubble bath at home or a monthly massage. Every one needs a refresh, a reason to remind them to love themselves! What better reminder than to have photos of you looking strong, sexy & comfortable in your own skin. Something you can always look back on when you're feeling a little less than sexy and remember how brave and badass you were in that moment. See yourself in a different light. Let your guard down and step out of your comfort zone; I promise it's the best thing you'll ever do! (We all have an inner Sasha fierce inside somewhere just waiting to come out and play)

Myth #2- I don't have the right body to do a boudoir session.

This is definitely one of the biggest reservations I hear from women about doing a boudoir session. "I'm not thin enough" "I'm not pretty enough" "I'm not tall enough" are just a few of the phrases that I hear that make me cringe. Let me stop you right there hunniii, because you could not be more wrong! You don't have to be skinny, or tall, or look a certain type of way to do a boudoir session. I'm here to tell you and show you through photographs that every woman's body is beautiful. I don't care your jean size, your age, your shape or your race. You are beautiful from the inside out and if you don't believe me, I'll show you! Your flaws and imperfections are what make you uniquely you, and guess what... It's time to celebrate that! Every woman's body is different. It's time to stop trying to conform to societies impossible beauty standards. Stop hating yourself and your body. It's time to celebrate YOU, just as you are!

Myth #3- Boudoir photography is slutty.

We live in a society where a woman is scolded and told to cover up herself if she show's a little bit of skin. Now I'm not saying you should go stand on the corner of become a stripper... but if that's what you think boudoir photography is, then you REALLY have the wrong idea. Boudoir photography shows off your best assets in a classy and sexy way. A woman's body should be celebrated- not scolded. It can do some pretty incredible things (like grow a baby and literally create life!). So if you're worried about your stretch marks or cellulite- DON'T! We all have them. The women that you see in magazines are severely photoshopped and not what you should be striving to look like. It's just not realistic! (If you want to see some photos of real, healthy and beautiful women you should check out Aerie's website. They've ditched the overly photoshopped photos and no longer have models who are 20 lbs underweight. Their #aeriereal campaign is truly a breath of fresh air.)

"There is nothing more rare, nor more beautiful than a woman being unapologetically herself; comfortable in her perfect imperfection. To me, that is the true essence of beauty." -Steve Maraboli

Myth #4- I'm too awkward in front of the camera.

I hear this from literally EVERYONE before a session, whether it be a boudoir session, an engagement session, or any type of session. It's normal to feel a little bit awkward in the beginning of a session because unless you're a professional model and do this on the daily, you're probably not used to someone pointing a camera at you and watching your every move. It's kind of like that annoying feeling when you can feel someone staring at you. But usually about 5-10 minutes into a session is when my clients start to get comfortable with me and sometimes forget I'm even there! It's an amazing transition; I'll see their shoulders start to relax and the tension leave their faces. That's when they really start to get into and sometimes even start hitting poses naturally. (This is also the point when I'm like "Girl! Why were you lying to me... you were def in season 8 of ANTM, I knew you looked familiar!) With the right photographer (and some champagne), all of your worries and anxieties will melt away by the end of the session. I like to blast some music (I saw a Meme that said "If Shania Twain saying lets go girls doesn't flip an internal switch in you, your lying." I've never been able to relate more.), sip champagne, and just have some fun girl time!

You don't have to be in a relationship to do a boudoir session. Even if you are in a relationship, do it as a gift to yourself girl! I believe every woman should do a boudoir session at least once in their life to be able to see that they are just as beautiful on the outside as they are on the inside! It's easy to get caught up in our everyday lives and naturally assume the role of mom, wife, or business woman (not that those are bad roles!) and forget how sexy and incredible you are! You don't ever have to show anyone your photos if you don't want to (and trust me, nobody but myself will ever see them without your permission)! The point is, you should do a boudoir session simply for YOU and no other reason... because not to quote Bruno Mars (love that man), but you're amazing just the way you are and you deserve to be celebrated, every damn day!

Email me at for more info on boudoir packages and to book your session!

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