I had so much fun exploring the adorable town of Cooperstown with Alyssa & John! It was calling for rain all week long for the day of their engagement session, but they were making a long trip home from out of state so we decided, we would do it, rain or shine! So, I had my clear umbrellas all packed and ready to go and I dressed warm with a big sweater on (because I didn't think the sun was coming out anytime soon)! Boy was I wrong! As I'm driving out to Cooperstown and enjoying the beautiful scenic route, wouldn't you know the sun starts shining! First stop, the beautiful Otesaga Resort Hotel, where Alyssa & John will be tying the knot next year! It turned out to be the most BEAUTIFUL day, the first nice "spring" day that we've had around here! I ended up having to ditch my big bulky sweater before we even started. When we were done at The Otesaga, we decided to go into the town and explore! What an adorable town Cooperstown is, with so many hidden gems and cool textures around every corner you turn! I literally could've photographed there allllll day!