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Angela & Ryan's Engagement Session | Beardslee Castle, Little Falls, NY

We had the perfect evening for Angela & Ryan's engagement session at Beardslee Castle in Little Falls, NY, where they will be getting married in June 2022, and in their backyard hanging out on their hammock, right where Ryan proposed to Angela! So special!

I loved getting to know more about Angela & Ryan and their love story! Here's what I learned:

How did you meet?

Angela- "SO the first time we met was actually at a BBQ and when my friends introduced me to him the first thing I said to him was 'OMG I had your dad as a teacher in the 4th grade!'... Which he finds annoying, when he meets people they always say that to him, ooops! Then maybe a couple months later my friend and I were walking out of Hannaford and he was walking in for his shift and when he walked by us he didn’t make any eye contact, LOL. When my friend and I got back to my car I was like 'Isn’t that the kid from the bbq? He’s so cute.' SO, she went out of her way to text my other best friend Gerry to tell him and then of course Gerry went back and told Ryan. It took Ryan about another month to actually get the courage to text me because I was not making the first move. I was already embarrassed that they told this guy who I barely knew that I thought he was soooo cute like we were in high school or something! So the night he actually texted me I didn’t have his number and it was 3 in the morning, he was drunk, and the text was “heeeeeeeyyyyyyy” and that’s how it all started!"

Ryan- "We had a mutual friend and she told him that she thought I was cute. So, he gave me her number and it took me a few days to get the courage to text her. Until I got drunk one night and sent “heyyy” at like 3 am. And as they say the rest is history."

What was your first date?

Angela- "Our first date Ryan took me to see the movie Ride Along and then took me to Hoopla afterward for frozen yogurt because I had a crazy obsession with it when they first opened."

Do you have a favorite date you've ever been on together?

Angela- "The first time I was invited to go on vacation with Ryan and his family, we went to Ocean City Maryland where I have never been before, actually that was the first time I had ever been “far away” from my family with a boyfriend and his family, and I remember all of his niece’s running around and being crazy and he was like hey wanna sneak away? So we snuck out and went down to this patio bar at our hotel, had a couple drinks and then went for a little walk down by the ocean just the two of us!"

Ryan- "We went down to NYC for a weekend to watch a hockey game because I’m a big rangers fan. The game was on the first night but the second night we went out and got dinner at a little Irish pub which is one of my favorite things to do. After that we found a little wine and chocolate bar, which are two of her favorite things so it was perfect. Then we ended the night walking through time square in the snow and cold. Definitely my favorite night so far."

Angela, what made you fall in love with Ryan? What do you love most about him?

"I love how kind and patient he is with me, because I know sometimes I can be a little bit of a brat (especially when I’m hangry) with a lotttt of anxiety and he always knows what to do to calm me down or he’s straight up with me and is like listen-you’re being a little ridiculous, calm down (haha). What made me fall in love with him was watching how good he was with his nieces and just how he made them laugh all the time. There was this one day where I had to give him a haircut and then right after they wanted to “style” his hair so they pulled a chair right up to him and started combing, well pulling, his hair and he just sat there and let them do whatever they wanted! I am super close with my family and have always wanted to have one of my own and at that moment I just knew he was the one!"

Ryan, what made you fall in love with Angela? What do you love most about her?

"I immediately fell in love with her personality. She is the nicest person I’ve ever met; maybe even too nice at times. She is hilarious and very outgoing which I love because I’m awkward and can’t talk to people so we balance each other out well. Somehow she is smart and dumb at the same time and I love all of it. She is my favorite person and I love everything about her."

How did you get engaged?

Angela- "I had absolutely NO idea! So I guess the first time he was going to purpose I ruined it and I told him that day I was having our nieces and nephew over for a Halloween party! So he had to postpone all of his plans! A week later my sister was like 'HEY, let's have a game night!!' So I was like 'Yeah! We can have it at our house!' We always have game night here, so I didn’t think anything of it. I invited some friends over, my sister and cousins came and at the time I didn’t know I was being distracted while Ryan and some of the others were outside setting up. Then, Ryan came inside and we started playing Mario cart and my sister came over and was like 'We have a house warming present for you!' So then Ryan says 'Whattt, I thought we were playing this game??' And I said 'Ummmmm, don’t be rude, after we get our present.' (hahah) So they blind folded us and I immediately thought I was getting a puppy! They led me over to the edge of our yard and told “us” to take the blind folds off and there Ryan was standing in the middle of our backyard around candles and lights that said “marry me” and I WAS SO CONFUSED. I started balling my eyes out and just kept saying 'Is this real???' I cant even remember if I said yes or not, i must have since I have the ring on!"

Ryan - "So as soon I bought the ring I texted her sister and her cousin in a group chat so they could help me plan. I knew that she would want her family there and I knew that I would be super nervous so I wanted to try and keep it simple so everyone could come and I could be somewhat calm. They came up with the idea to have a “house warming party” because we had just bought our house and moved in together like a month and a half earlier. We planned a party with our friends and close cousins and had her parents and aunt and uncle nearby so they could be there for the engagement but wouldn’t tip her off that something was going on. So we nailed down the date and got our friends and family on board but Ange had to promise my nieces and nephew a sleep over that same weekend which meant we had to find a new date and put my stress level through the roof. Luckily everyone was free just a couple weeks after so we decided to do it then. Ange’s favorite part of our house is our hammock in the back yard so I wanted to propose there and her sister came up with a great idea to get her outside. The plan was to tell us that her that they bought us a big house warming gift that we had to go outside to get because she didn’t want to carry it in but to keep the surprise we had to put blind folds on. We both put them on and they walked us outside and once we got out there I took mine off and ran down to the hammock where my best man and her sisters girlfriend had set up all the decorations. Finally Ange took her blind fold off and realized what was happening. As she walked down to me all she could say was “Is this real?” I asked her to marry me and she said yes. Then we hugged and kissed but she never gave me her hand to put the ring on her finger so after what felt like an eternity I asked “So do you want this or...?” And she finally let me put the ring on then we celebrated with all our friends and family.

What are you most looking forward to about your wedding?

Angela- "Walking down the aisle and seeing the look on Ryan’s face. I cant wait to Marry him!"

Ryan- "Everyone can finally stop asking me when we’re getting married and of course the tax breaks (totally kidding I just can’t wait to marry my best friend)"

I absolutely cannot wait for Angela & Ryan's big day coming up in June 2022!

Are you recently engaged? I'd love to chat with you about your wedding plans and share my engagement and wedding packages with you! Please fill out my Contact Page for more information!

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